What is the Brady Public Humanities Archive?

A collaborative digital space, this archive showcases cultural public interventions across the world.
As communities grapple with solutions to wicked problems, the places that people inhabit are in constant revision and reconstruction. The connection between culture and place is one that has been examined via several theoretical lenses in myriad disciplines in the Humanities and the Social Sciences by theorists such as: Jane Jacobs, Pierre Nora, Judith Butler, Henry Lefebvre, Homi Bhabha and more

What can I do with the Brady Public Humanities Archive?
    - You have access to a growing record of placemaking and public projects around the world today.
    - You are invited to submit the placemaking / cultural public interventions that you have documented.
    - You have access to a toolkit of instructional materials, which can be used in K-16 classrooms.
    - You are invited to collaborate to the creation of the toolkit by submitting your instructional materials for review.

Project Counter: 30

Featured Project

Mural in LavapiƩs, Madrid

In the neighborhood of LavapiƩs, Madrid, there is a mural that depicts the multiculturalism of the neighborhood with the common theme shared by several religious communities of the ritual of hygiene, specifically, cleansing one's feet.

Jennifer Brady 2023