Madrid Nuevo Norte

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Madrid Nuevo Norte is the big project of 21st-century Madrid. It’s the most significant urban transformation project that Spain’s capital city will undergo, and one of the most important in Europe, designed to improve citizens' life quality and create a more efficient, sustainable, and prosperous Madrid. The project came from the need to integrate Chamartín Station, and all its railway installations, into the city. For more than 50 years, this infrastructure has created a huge rift that divides northern Madrid, with many drawbacks for millions of citizens. This urban regeneration project will not only heal this wound by solving problems related to mobility, security, and a lack of public services, but will also position Madrid in the group of cities that are will best respond to the enormous social and economic changes of the decades to come. A 100% sustainable city in which citizens will travel on foot, by bike, or by public transport, and in which housing, businesses, offices, and green areas create the ideal environment for living, working, and enjoying free time. The size and, especially, the location where Madrid Nuevo Norte will be developed, represent a historic opportunity for Madrid. The enormous scale of the project, which will regenerate more than 2.3 million square meters of disused land, makes it possible to carry out a project that extends beyond its own limits and becomes a project for the entire city. But it is its prime location that will make Madrid Nuevo Norte a truly unique project. As Chamartín Station is at the heart of the project and Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas international airport is just 15 minutes away, the project's location is unique in Europe due to its potential for local, regional, national, and international accessibility. Madrid Nuevo Norte creates a new city model based on the best sustainable urban planning practices. A dense, compact people-centered city, public spaces, sustainable mobility, in which housing, offices, retail spaces, green areas, and public facilities are mixed together to complement each other, which creates the best environment for living, working, and enjoying free time. It maintains the essence that makes our city so attractive, but still strengthens its innovative and cosmopolitan nature. A city model that takes everyone into account and was designed through participative processes that made it possible to listen to citizens and understand their different needs and ways of using their city. As the starting point for the renovation of the northern section of the capital, Madrid Nuevo Norte is a strategically important project around which vital regional infrastructure revolves, such as the reorganization of several of Madrid's busiest traffic junctions or the covering of 20 hectares of railway tracks; and other significant, nationwide infrastructures, such as the construction of the new Chamartín station. The L.R. Klein University Institute for Economic Forecasting, attached to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid analyzed the repercussions that Madrid Nuevo Norte and the project’s urban development actions will have on the national economy. Madrid Nuevo Norte is going to create a new city model focused on the well-being of Madrid’s citizens. The project will also have a significant impact on the regional and national economy, which in turn translates into more opportunities and a better quality of life for all citizens. This sustained impact over time will not be limited to the city of Madrid; the project will have an impact on the region and the country as a whole, promoting economic recovery. In total, it has been calculated that the project will create 348,064 jobs between the construction phase and the future activity that it will generate in the offices and businesses in the new neighbourhoods. During the construction phase, the 149,622 jobs that will be created in Madrid represent 4.8% of the population currently employed in the region. When Madrid Nuevo Norte is finished, it will have the capacity for up to 146,488 more jobs. The total investment for the development of Madrid Nuevo Norte is 11.1 B€. The purchase of properties will add private investment to that figure, for a total cost associated with the Madrid Nuevo Norte project of 25.2 B€. The economic impact of Madrid Nuevo Norte will extend beyond the Region of Madrid and will add to the national GDP. A total of 5.9 B€ in taxes will be collected by all of the Public Administrations.

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Country: Spain


City: Madrid

Address: Madrid, Calle 30, 28036 Madrid

Additional Reading

Jennifer Brady 2023